About the Artist

Lorenzo with his family and friends

Lorenzo was inspired to get involved in photography after stumbling across an old book of paintings back in 1971.  But the world was changing around him so fast that he chose a different path in life and put his artistic ideas on the “back shelf”.

During years of business and family activities, he continued to journal about his ideas in photography and wrote a few stories for his family and friends.  As the years passed he decided to have some fun by writing and creating adventure games, connected to history, where he and his friends would go off into the world to find hidden treasures, catch a murderer, find a lost person, and discover lost ancient cities.

Lorenzo is full of tricks, surprises, and just plain fun.  For those of you who like to play games, finding the location of the hidden mask will not be easy and will require lots of game skills.  But, with patience and diligence, it can be found.  For those of you not playing the game, he hopes you enjoy the novel, the photographs, and the poetic narratives.

The Making of the Mask Trilogy Adventure Game

The making of The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game was created by a wonderful group of friends, family, and artists who collaborated with the Lorenzo over the course of many years.   

Some of these friends continued to give the artist words of encouragement to keep going, not to give up.  Others directly participated in editing his writing, advising on postproduction, developing graphic designs, working with lyrics and rhythms, coordinating costumes and makeup, and many others who joined the fray at one time or another.

This section will give you an insight into some of the activities that took place during the making of The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game.

Inside the Artist Studio

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