Lorenzo discloses the first clue to 100,000’s of world-wide listeners in the podcast, Chat and Spin

(Sausalito, CA) Lorenzo was interviewed by Ron Smith, owner of Chat and Spin radio to discuss The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game on Tuesday, November 15th .

Chat and Spin Radio, in Northern England, has over 1 million followers per week and is heard all over the world. The largest group of listeners is from the United States, followed by United Kingdom, then Canada, followed by New Zealand and then the rest of the world.

“It was fun to talk with Ron and tell his listeners about The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game, which is the quest to find the location of the death mask of Saint Francis of Assisi. The clues to find location of the death mask are in the novel by Lorenzo, Secrets of the Carsarians, and the photographs and poems in the book by Lorenzo, The Anthology and Poetic Musings.”

Secrets of the Carsarians is a fictional novel about the death mask of Saint Francis of Assisi which travels through the centuries and affects historical individuals in positive ways. The Anthology and Poetic Musings contains 10 poems as if written by Saint Francis of Assisi as well as 10 photographs reflecting his life from 1202 to 1226.

As the interview was coming to an end, Lorenzo offered to tell the Chat and Spin listeners an important clue. Ron, and his co-owner, Ian, encouraged Lorenzo to give a clue. After a moment of hesitation, Lorenzo told the listeners an important clue.

Both Ron and Ian quickly said, “Lorenzo we want you to come by on the show again. Will you?”

Lorenzo agreed to do another show in December.

For more information about Chat and Spin Podcast, go to www.chatandspinradio.com


The Mask Trilogy In The Marin Independent Journal


Lorenzo invited to show The Mask Trilogy Photographs in Italy May 1-6, 2023