Italian versions of the books “Secrets of the Carsarians” and “The Anthology and Poetic Musings” will be available soon!

Focus Sales and Marketing has announced that two major components of The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game will be made available in the Italian language in 2023.

These translations will also be accompanied with an Italian version of The Mask Trilogy website.

“We are appreciative and thankful for the wonderful translation work performed by Bianca Valentini. During the translation process, she no only kept true to the original story, but updated and corrected several passages in the books” said Lari Fani, representing the artist, Lorenzo.

The novel, Secrets of the Carsarians and The Anthology and Poetic Musings are part of The Mask Trilogy Adventure game. The fictional death mask of Saint Francis of Assisi has been hidden somewhere in the world and the clues to finding the location of the mask are imbedded in the novel, photographs and the poetic narratives.

For more information on The Mask Trilogy Adventure Game, the artist Lorenzo, exhibitions and books, please contact Lara Fani at or visit our website at:


Saint Francis of Assisi returns to the Vatican after 800 years!!


The Mask Trilogy is going to Sicily!!