Saint Francis of Assisi returns to the Vatican after 800 years!!

(June 11-18, 2023) Exhibition of Emotions of Saint Francis of Assisi by Lorenzo will be on display at the Piazza della chancellery N. 1, Rome, Italy, approximately 800 years after Francesco Bernardone first visited Rome in the 13th century.

“We are delighted that Vatican City has selected the photographs representing the emotions of Francesco Bernardone (Saint Francis of Assisi) to be on display at this beautiful Vatican palace in Rome” stated Lara Fani, representing the artist Lorenzo in Europe.

The exhibition consists of 10 large photographs (5’ X 7’) representing scenes from the life of Francesco Bernardone during the years 1204 to 1226.

The Emotions of Saint Francis of Assisi exhibition is part of The Mask Trilogy which consists of the novel, Secrets of the Carsarians and the book, The Anthology and Poetic Musings which has imbedded clues as to where the fictional death mask of Saint Francis of Assisi has been hidden.

Gemma Mali, representing the Vatican, is excited about having a show displaying the story of Saint Francis of Assisi.

For more information about the artist, Lorenzo, the exhibition—The Emotions of the Man; The Mask Trilogy, and associated books, contact Lara Fani at or visit our website at


Italian versions of the books “Secrets of the Carsarians” and “The Anthology and Poetic Musings” will be available soon!